Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Have you heard about Facebook Edge Rank?

First there was the Google Page Rank, which indexed your website based on a series of factors that essentially determine how important your site is compared to others. On the 1 to 10 scale, Google ranks a 9 or a 10 (depending on who you talk to). Amazon is right up there, as is Facebook. A few weeks ago, folks started to talk about your Klout rating. This is a number that determines how influential YOU are among the people you interact with. Now, I'm reading about Facebook's Edge Rank, an index that determines which of your "friends'" posts you see and which of them see your posts. (Here's a great article that gives a good explanation: http://econsultancy.com/us/blog/7885-edgerank-the-most-important-algorithm-you-ve-never-heard-of)

So, as marketers we are challenged with an ever-changing series of factors that determine how we place our advertising, what content we should develop and how and where to place it. My dashboard is getting busier and bigger as I try to keep ahead of the latest way to measure me, my business, and my influence in the digital world.

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